Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Spring!

What a fantastic start to 2012. New year, new designs, new website and hopefully some new opportunities on the way! We just debuted new items for the 2012 Lux Frontier Collection that are available for purchase now as well as part of a new Mens line of products. Many of the items have involved months of hard work, so its definitively thrilling to see everything finally coming together. There are still a few more pieces to be added which include new earrings, necklaces and bracelets using our signature geometric tapestry designs. We are proud to be originals. 

Among new ventures some of our jewelry were recenty featured in a video by the amazing band The Tenant, you can see more of them @
Special thanks to the Tenant, Stylist/ Producer Falon Quillen of Etoile Boutique and Producer / Director Zac Palmisano. You can catch the video at :

We can't wait to show you what other designs are currently in production so stay tuned. 

P.S. in celebration of our new website, we have a promotion you might want to check out on our facebook fan page over at


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